A piece of disinformation is promoted in social networks, claiming that people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines generate and spread dangerous spike proteins which are named as the reasons behind the “difficult to recover from” influenzas.

Restrictions imposed amid the pandemic of 2020-2021 (including social distancing and wearing face masks) to curb the spread of COVID-19 also considerably hindered the spread of influenza and other seasonal viruses. Lifting the preventive restrictions was followed by a higher number of infections by seasonal viruses in 2022.

Viral diseases of respiratory systems which are circulating this season do not differ from those viral diseases which used to circulate in Georgia in the previous year – prior to the pandemic. The only difference is that season started relatively early (in mid-November). This season, the most prevalent viruses are the respiratory-syncytial virus, the A type virus, the rhinovirus, the adenovirus, etc. See clarifications from the specialists in this regard (link 1 and link 2).

The claim that the seasonal flu and other respiratory viruses which are currently circulating in the country are somehow linked to the COVID-19 vaccine or vaccinated people is absolutely groundless and absurd. It is also a false claim that people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines generate “dangerous” spike proteins.

Anti-vaxxers constantly promote false information that spike proteins produced after vaccination are toxic substances which are later spread throughout the whole body and pose a danger. In fact, i-RNM vaccines transmit information to the human body on how to generate a spike protein similar to the COVID-19 virus. After vaccination when certain amount of spike proteins have been generated, the human body produces anti-bodies to neutralise them. As a result, a person develops immunity against the COVID-19 virus (see detailed information on how vaccines work).

The spike protein that is generated after vaccination is not dangerous for the human body since it is artificially produced. Of note is that vaccination produces much less “spiked proteins” in the human body as compared to actually being infected with the coronavirus. At the same time, “spike proteins” generated after vaccination concentrate around the injection site and do not mix with the blood circulation system whilst 1% of the vaccine which may end up in blood circulation system is destroyed by liver ferments (see FactCheck’s article 1 and article 2 on this topic).

Relevant scientific studies confirm that the so-called spike protein, generated after vaccination, is not at all dangerous for the human body let alone to those around us.


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